Thursday, 30 June 2016

Basis Fractions

My Reflection

I have been learning to match fractions to pictures.I found this easy because I kept on
practicing my fractions. My next step is to learn it straightt away.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Matariki Presentation

My Reflection
I have been learning to find information by skimming and scanning. I used keywords
to help me find information, then I summarized the information.I found this easy  because me and
my buddy worked together.  The most interesting thing was that it was first celebrated in 2008.  My next step it to keep practising skimming and scanning.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Equal Sharing

My Reflection
I have been learning to use equal sharing to solve simple division problems
I found this easy because I knew it strati away. my next step is to do this without materials.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Explanation Writing

My Reflection
I have been learning to write a simple explanation .This is the process I used to write my
explanation with my buddy. First  we did a brainstorm using Popplet  to find information .Then we used a framework to help us draft our explanation. Lastly we published our explanation.  If found this tricky because we had to think of lots of ideas to put in and write about.  My next step is to make my writing more interesting.

Bike Skills

I enjoyed doing bike skills because I learnt how to ride a bike and it was lots of fun.

Finding and Summarising Information

My Reflection
I have been learning to find and summarise information I found this tricky because I had to search up what to write and put it my own words.  My next step is to keep working on this skill.

Dear Dairy,

Dear Dairy

It has been a fantastic start to term two. There are a lot of experiments going on we were learning about inquiry launch day . Inquiry launch day was about inquiry and sines. The first thing we had to do for Inquiry launch day we got split up in groups our Inquiry launch day was also about mater there are three stats of mater solid liquid and gas the experiments were lava lamp egg experiment glup feely bag and the video at the atdorem our group first watched a video next we went to the glup experiment when I touched the glup it was slimy and guwey the coulor was pink and yellow next we did the lava lamp t was so cool we put food colouring food it was

What Am I Riddle

This is my My Reflection
I have been learning to add language features to my writing to make
it more interesting.Did you guess my animal? I found this fun.