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Thursday, 8 December 2016
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
My Antonym Diamante Poem
My Reflection
I have been learning to write an antonym diamante poem. An antonym means the opposite
My poem is about Summer Christmas and Winter Christmas I found this easy because I new what were verbs nouns and adjectives.
Friday, 25 November 2016
Proofreading Activity
My Reflection
I have been learning to proofread my work. Proofreading is important because so that when someone reads a book they have to make sure it makes seance. I found this tricky because I felt it quite challenging.My Next step is to re read the sentence out loud to make sure it makes seance.
I have been learning to proofread my work. Proofreading is important because so that when someone reads a book they have to make sure it makes seance. I found this tricky because I felt it quite challenging.My Next step is to re read the sentence out loud to make sure it makes seance.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
My Maori God
My Reflection
We read a myth about how Maori believe the world began. It was called
in the beginning I learnt about some of the Maori guardians I chose to draw
I wrote some adjectives to describe tawhrimatea like honest, kind and respectful.
Telling the Time
WALT read analogue clocks and write the time in numbers (digital) and words. I found this easy because I carefully listened to Mrs Melville. My next step is to learn the 24 hour clock
Friday, 18 November 2016
Point Of View - Stuart Little
My Reflection
I have been learning to relate the characters in the text to understand their
purpose. In this activity I had to think about two characters point of
view to help me understand the story more.
I found this interesting because I have never done a point of view
Something I found tricky was what to write because I did no quite understand
My next step is next time I do a point of view I will no what to do.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Character Analysis - Stuart Little
I have been learning to relate to the text to understand their purpose. I found this tricky because I wasn't to sure what to write on the boxes. My next step is to listen to and read the instructions properly and ask if I need help.
Long U Sound
My Reflection
I have been learning to write the long u spelling pattern. I found this easy because I knew what to write down in the boxes from the information My next step is to learn it of by heart.
I have been learning to write the long u spelling pattern. I found this easy because I knew what to write down in the boxes from the information My next step is to learn it of by heart.
Long I Sound
My Reflection
I have been learning to write the long i sound with appropriate spelling patterns I found this easy because I know the long i sound. My next step is to use this knowledge to help me spell tricky words.
The Long 'e' Vowel Sound
My Reflection
I have been learning to write the long e sound with appropriate spelling patterns. I found this easy because I sounded the words out as I read them. My next step is to learn my words off by heart.
I have been learning to write the long e sound with appropriate spelling patterns. I found this easy because I sounded the words out as I read them. My next step is to learn my words off by heart.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Friday, 23 September 2016
My Fractured Fairy Tail
My Reflection
We have been learning to write an interesting narrative story for are audience. We decided to write
a fractured fairy tail. First we learnt about the shucture of narrative then we conprear fairy tails. After that we chase a fairy tail to change and make our own version of. Ginger the Gingerbread man One thing I did well is thinking about what i was going to write one thing I need to wrok on is punntuation.
We have been learning to write an interesting narrative story for are audience. We decided to write
a fractured fairy tail. First we learnt about the shucture of narrative then we conprear fairy tails. After that we chase a fairy tail to change and make our own version of. Ginger the Gingerbread man One thing I did well is thinking about what i was going to write one thing I need to wrok on is punntuation.
Ice-Cream In Bag Exprement
My Refection
This term we have been learning about mater. We did an experiment to observe the changes of two types
of matter. the best part of this is how the ice- cream turned out.
This term we have been learning about mater. We did an experiment to observe the changes of two types
of matter. the best part of this is how the ice- cream turned out.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Three Bears
How well did I do? I did alright
What did I do well?
I did well on answering the questions
Which activity challenged me the most? What did I do about it? The activity that challenged me the most was the exploring language.I tried my best.
Which activity was the easiest for me? How can I extend myself next time? The activity that was easy was
The syllable search
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Adding 2 Digit Numbers
My Reflection
We have been learning to do 2 digit numbers
I found this tricky because I there was so many steps to do.
Finding Lines Of Symmetry
We have been learning to find the lines of symmetry in shapes I found this tricky because it was hard to find
the lines of symmetry. My next step is to know them instatly.
Monday, 12 September 2016
My Silhouette Art
We have been learning about mixing colours to make tints,tones and shades. A tint is a colour mixed with white. A tone is a colour mixed with black. A shade is a colour mixed with black. A tone is a colour mixed with white and black. I found this tricky because I had to draw it big. My Olympic athlete is a girl doing a split in the air.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Describing 3D Shapes
My Reflection
I have been learning to recognize and describe 3D shapes. I found this tricky because I didn't´t know that much about 3D shapes. My next step is to recognize them quicker.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Acrostic Poem
We have been learning to use onomatopoeia in our writing.We wrote an acrostic poem
about the EPS Olympics Day.Can you see how many onomatopoeia words I used? My next step is to
Use onamtapie in every lines.
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Reading Around The World
My Reflection
We have been learning to find and summaries information in non fiction texts by skimming and scanning.
I researched facts about what they eat how they celebrate. I found in formation on the internet I found
this tricky because I had to find lots of information what to write.
We have been learning to find and summaries information in non fiction texts by skimming and scanning.
I researched facts about what they eat how they celebrate. I found in formation on the internet I found
this tricky because I had to find lots of information what to write.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Olympics A-Z
My Reflection
We have been learning to do the A-Z challenge. We had to write some athletes or other stuff that
were in the Olympics.
Moment In Time Writing
My Reflection
I have been learning to add detail to our writing about a moment n time during
my holiday. I did a good job at adding detail. My next step is to add more detail.
Friday, 29 July 2016
Olympics Comperhension
My Reflection
I have been learning to answer questions using complete sentences. I found this easy because I read
information about the Olympics and put some in my own words. My next step always start with a capital letter and full stops.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Matariki Star Art
My Reflection
We have been learning to make star art.
This took quite a while to make. We started of with seven paper bags
we had to decorate them in Maori patterns
then we had to write the names of the seven sisters.
Once we were done we glood the paper bags together we cute the edge
of the star and it was finished.
Matariki Poems
My Reflection
We have been learning to write a haiku and a acrostic poem. My favorite poem to write was
the haiku poem because it was more short and fun. These poems are both very different
because The haiku poem has got only silibles and three lines the acrostic poem has eight lines
and no sillibels. The hardest poem to write was the acrostic poem because it took me a little longer
then the haiku poem. My next step is to finish this quicker.
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Basis Fractions
My Reflection
I have been learning to match fractions to pictures.I found this easy because I kept on
practicing my fractions. My next step is to learn it straightt away.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Matariki Presentation
My Reflection
I have been learning to find information by skimming and scanning. I used keywords
to help me find information, then I summarized the information.I found this easy because me and
my buddy worked together. The most interesting thing was that it was first celebrated in 2008. My next step it to keep practising skimming and scanning.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Equal Sharing
My Reflection
I have been learning to use equal sharing to solve simple division problems
I found this easy because I knew it strati away. my next step is to do this without materials.
Friday, 17 June 2016
Explanation Writing
My Reflection
I have been learning to write a simple explanation .This is the process I used to write my
explanation with my buddy. First we did a brainstorm using Popplet to find information .Then we used a framework to help us draft our explanation. Lastly we published our explanation. If found this tricky because we had to think of lots of ideas to put in and write about. My next step is to make my writing more interesting.
Bike Skills
I enjoyed doing bike skills because I learnt how to ride a bike and it was lots of fun.
Finding and Summarising Information
My Reflection
I have been learning to find and summarise information I found this tricky because I had to search up what to write and put it my own words. My next step is to keep working on this skill.
Dear Dairy,
Dear Dairy
It has been a fantastic start to term two. There are a lot of experiments going on we were learning about inquiry launch day . Inquiry launch day was about inquiry and sines. The first thing we had to do for Inquiry launch day we got split up in groups our Inquiry launch day was also about mater there are three stats of mater solid liquid and gas the experiments were lava lamp egg experiment glup feely bag and the video at the atdorem our group first watched a video next we went to the glup experiment when I touched the glup it was slimy and guwey the coulor was pink and yellow next we did the lava lamp t was so cool we put food colouring food it was
What Am I Riddle
This is my My Reflection
I have been learning to add language features to my writing to make
it more interesting.Did you guess my animal? I found this fun.
Friday, 20 May 2016
What Am I Poem
My Reflection
I have been learning to use language features to suit purpose of my writing.I have been used similes onomatopoeia and adjectives to make my writing more interesting.I got a lot of beater at usinig language features. my next step is to put more similes into stories.
Friday, 15 April 2016
Facts about Gallipoli
My Reflection
We have been learning about anzac day. I found information about Gallipoli from the internet and we used our skimming and scanning skills to find the main ideas. I found this fun because I liked finding some ideas and reading them on the computer. My next next step is to work on my ideas properly.
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Skimming and Scanning for Information
My Reflection
I have been learning to skim and scan for information. I found this triky to find the facts because I had to look back in the book and put them in my own thi. Time Im going to keep sciming and scaning..
Paragraph Writing Planer
My Reflction
I am learning to group ideas in to paragraphs.This will make it easier for the reader to read our stories.
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
My Pepeha Art
A few days ago Room 12 made Pepeha art we sttared of with are sketch book. Next we drawed the pepeha then we showed
it to are teacher Mrs Melville when she said yes we did it in vivid. Onece we finished we did it with pastles. The koru in the mountain represents are learning path way there is also some little mountains on the the back of our pepeha. We made sure that there were no white spaces and we had to make it was not there also some colours that are shaded there some different korus on the back of our bakd round.Thats how our pepeha turned out.
it to are teacher Mrs Melville when she said yes we did it in vivid. Onece we finished we did it with pastles. The koru in the mountain represents are learning path way there is also some little mountains on the the back of our pepeha. We made sure that there were no white spaces and we had to make it was not there also some colours that are shaded there some different korus on the back of our bakd round.Thats how our pepeha turned out.
Friday, 4 March 2016
Our Trip to Te Tuhi
Last week
A few days ago went to Te Tuhi we did the Wish you were her workshop
This is my picture. I enjoned it because we got draw and pant it and decorate it.
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Identifying And Classifying Numbers
My Reflection
We have been learning to
Identify add and even numbers
and numbers less then 20
We did an activity on nrich using a venn diagram. I found this easy because
I knew most of it but thie other half I had to work it out. My Next step is to try harder numbers.
Friday, 12 February 2016
Did You Ever Poem
My Reflection
I have been learning to write Did You Ever Poem. I found this easy because there were a lot of examples to help me. My next step is to learn how to write another type of poem.
Thursday, 4 February 2016
My Welcome Post 2016
Welcome to my Year 4 learning blog. This year I am in Room 12 and my teacher is Mrs Melville. I enjoy learning maths. This year I am looking forward to get handwriting. I hope you will enjoy my blog and leave lots of feedback.
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